An evening with Kirsty Loehr - A short history of Queer Women - 7PM 22AUG24 Wave of Nostalgia

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An evening with Kirsty Loehr - A short history of Queer Women - 7PM 22AUG24 Wave of Nostalgia


No, they weren’t ‘just friends’!

Queer women have been written out of history since, well, forever. ‘But historians famously care about women!’, said no one. From Anne Bonny and Mary Read who sailed the seas together disguised as pirates, to US football captain Megan Rapinoe declaring ‘You can’t win a championship without gays on your team’, via countless literary salons and tuxedos, A Short History of Queer Women sets the record straight on women who have loved other women through the ages.

Who says lesbians can’t be funny?

Kirsty will read from her book, answer questions and sign copies.

The event is at 7PM on Thursday 22nd August at Wave of Nostalgia, 74 Main Street Haworth BD22 8DP or on Zoom

Tickets are £5 and include a glass of wine and 10% off all books in the shop at the event.

If you wish to collect tickets on the door or join by Zoom, please select the Pickup option on checkout..

If you wish to join us online via Zoom just select the Zoom option and we’ll send you joining instructions nearer the time.

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